Also, ENISA wants to create a single working group of experts "to initiate discussions and studies, and to validate analyses and recommendation related to cloud security and resilience". The kick-off meeting of the expert group is planned for end February 2013. You can sign up to this group by emailing marnix.dekker (at) .
- Cloud computing - Benefits, risks and recommendations for information security, Rev.B – December 2012 (revised by Thomas Haeberlen & Lionel Dupré; original authors of 2009 version Daniele Catteddu & Giles Hogben): an update of their very popular 2009 paper on cloud risk assessment.
Summary, full PDF, issue tracker. - Critical Cloud Computing - A CIIP perspective on cloud computing services, Version 1.0, December 2012, by Dr. M.A.C. Dekker: cloud computing and critical services – cloud dependencies and failures - an overview of some key threats from a CIIP perspective with some specific recommendations.
Summary, full PDF, issue tracker.